Today I was sitting at one of my daughter's activities and I heard a group of moms chatting. Not one to shy from eavesdropping (especially when my youngest is napping on my lap) I was surprised to hear one of the moms exclaim, "Homeschool moms are the smartest women I know!"
I wanted to throw up.
This- THIS- has been my challenge since starting my homeschooling journey. I'm not on the proverbial "Homeschooling Bandwagon". I believe there are multiple options for educating our children and this is just one of them. I know women who work full-time, part-time and stay home and they are a mix of brilliance and motivation. Choosing to homeschool doesn't make you a genius and amazing mother any more than working full-time makes you a neglectful mom who only cares about money.
Can we all just grow up?
I attended a private Christian school. My classmates were a stellar group of people and I loved school-every part of it. Well, except when Caleb made fun of my clothes in the first grade or Rachel was so mean in middle school or...there were definite "blah" moments, but overall it was a great experience. I don't know if I would have loved it so much if I had been in a different class or a different school, but this was how the cookie crumbled and it crumbled pretty good for me.
I have friends who attended public schools. Some had great experiences, others did not.
I have friends who teach in public schools; I have friends who teach in private schools. These women are amazing and it would be an honor to have them teach my girls. I think we all need to be supportive of public schools especially, because the odds are extremely high that my future son-in-laws are sitting in a class there right now and I don't want them to be idiots.
My children's future neighbors, friends, husbands and communities are sitting in schools all over this world and I want to do what I can to ensure they are getting a quality education. Just because we do school at home doesn't mean we don't care about what's happening in public education. People, we are all connected and the sooner we just embrace it and work with it, the better.
When I told my husband that we should think about homeschooling, my oldest daughter was maybe one week old. She was so precious! And small! I didn't want to be away from her.
He asked me if I was going to start wearing denim jumpers and no make-up.
Yes, there is a stigma involved....
But as I met families who homeschooled I envied their relationships. The relationships within the family were tight in a non-creepy way! The siblings enjoyed each other. The kids enjoyed their parents and vice versa.
That's what I wanted and that is why we started homeschooling.
My kids have endless hours to play together. We go to the park on a whim and do science experiments together. We learn about other countries and the kids who live there. We spend hours writing books and reading books and we really, really enjoy being together.
This is what it looks like in my house.
This is what I WANT it to look like at my house.
I didn't do this out of fear or because I am against something.
I did it so we could have more time together as a family.
That was my motivation.
At a recent "Mom's Night" with a local Christian homeschooling group I was considering joining, I was shocked when the first two women who walked up to me immediately started mocking the transgender community. I have never seen these women, don't know what they believe (although I started to get a way strong sense) and it was the most bizarre choice of conversation I could imagine. After listening to them mock and judge and state over and over that THIS is the reason they homeschool, there was finally space for me to say something.
"Don't you think it would be the saddest thing if your child felt they were in the wrong body? Don't you think it breaks the heart of God, who put us together with such intention and love and deliberation to have His children wrestle with this? Don't you think it's His kindness that led all of us to repentance? Until I see more kindness coming from the church on these subjects, I think we should all shut up. I don't think it's funny; I think it's sad. And I do know that Jesus never mocked people."
Then I walked away.
So, so sad. In fairness, there were some women there who I had a lovely conversation with and I left with some helpful tools in my teaching. But it left a really bad taste in my mouth.
So, where do we fit? My little family and me? We are Christians and our days ARE full of Bible reading, memorization and wrestling with making choices that make Jesus' heart happy. I think we would be doing this regardless of where we did school.
I have Christian friends who have told me I'm robbing my kids of the chance to be a light in the dark world; that I'm denying them very important school experiences (like Middle School?!) and I better not even consider homeschooling through High School.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
I have Christian friends who have told me that sending your kids to school is missing God's calling on your life as a mother. (Oh, yes. This has been said.)
In the meantime, I'm the one who will stand before God and give an account for the choices I make for MY family. As the mommy, I get to make these big choices. I don't make them alone; Scott has a very loud voice and opinion, too. Together, we revisit this choice every year and see how it's working for our family.
So far, it's working really well. I'm having a blast and so are my kids.
So, as we are closer to summer, may I just wish you joy and wisdom as you navigate these educational minefields. Whatever you choose, know that I think you're still a pretty great parent and am happy to be your friend.
There's a vote of confidence for you!
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ReplyDeleteThat is was a wonderful post. I really enjoy reading about you and your little family. Please don't take this in a bad way, but since you decided to home school your precious girls I would suggest that you not put them in public school later. I know from experience how hard it is to adjust. Love to you and your family! Traci Frazier