Sunday, August 8, 2010

New City, New Church?

So, today was my first experience with a church in my new city.  I really liked the people, the atmosphere and how warm and friendly everyone was.  This was surprising because I have been wary about trying a new church.  I LOVED my last church.  (I could repeat this statement over and over and over...)  There was so much warmth and freedom and authenticity in the people and I didn't think God could top that.  The people in my last church watched me grow from terrified little girl to a woman trying to walk in whatever gifts God placed in her.  This was quite a journey, and these precious people provided a safe environment for me to spread my little wings and just try.  The encouragement and love and support they provided nurtured these gifts and gave me confidence to keep trying!

So, now I'm in a new place.  Having become a mommy three months ago, newness seems to be the name of the game.  I used to have long, girly hair that could be curly or straight and really made me feel quite vogue at times.  :-)  I have cut said hair as it was being pulled and spit up in, etc.  Also, used to drive a Mini Cooper- quite fun, but impractical.  My husband just bought me a Volvo station wagon.  Am embracing the mommy thing....but not holding my arms wide open to the change of a new city and a new church.  Slowly, streets in this new city are becoming familiar and I am frequenting more places.  This all makes me feel a bit more comfortable and not so much like a tourist.  I HATE feeling like a tourist.  But the church-thing...

  As I said, everyone at this new church was super friendly and I liked it.  But I didn't like not being known.  At home, oh-savor that word home!- everybody knew me.  They had an idea of what was in my heart and in my history and they KNEW me.  We had lived and loved and learned together.  We had cried and laughed and stressed over minute details together.  Thrown parties and been on our knees in prayer and worship and made beautiful harmonies and surprising friendships and I miss that!!!  Here, nobody knows me.  I am a blank slate, a first impression, a "visitor."  Oh, my soul...but the God I came to celebrate this morning knows me.  Better than anyone else.  He has written my days down, even the ones yet to come.  He created my inmost being, the parts I'm afraid to admit even to myself.  He is my Constant Companion, day in and day out.  As I try to fit in a shower, change poopy diapers, put on makeup so my husband recognizes me, make dinner, deal with dogs...He is ever there.  Watching it all.  Singing over me as I sing over my daughter.  Lullabies abound and my soul is soothed.  Maybe the sweet people in my last church who gave me the courage to try will ring in my memory and my heart and new courage will rise in a new town.  Maybe new gifts will be discovered as this new role as mommy emerges.  God is doing a new thing...but He is ever constant.


  1. You will forever ring in my memory I can tell you that much. You became so much more than a singing partner and I will always always hold you in my heart as my dear friend. You will now just have to be my 4 hour away friend. I wish so much to hold that baby and just talk together or take one of walks.

    All this being said you are undoubtedly where God wants you and He has a wonderful purpose in taking you and Scott there. Given time you will walk in to your new church and you will be "known" by those whose lives you will most certainly touch. Keep taking it a day @ a time and embrace all of the newness around you! You can do this!

    Missing you.....


  2. It just takes time, my dear. Being the "new person" was strange for me, too. But it was worth it . . . worth it all!

  3. You are precious! And I am so super duper excited to see Him do His amazing thing in you and through you. I know its scary and down right unfun at times...being the new girl always is...but girl I am here and am praying you through this..because I KNOW He has great things for you! I love you!

  4. Oh Kristi- if anyone could relate, it probably would be me. Just in the last 7 years I've moved cross-country 4 times, and it doesn't get easier. Remember the first six months are always the worst- it takes time, patience and faith- all traits that you have in abundance! Things that helped me- join MOPS, find a park/playground you like and go at the same time on the same days (even if you only have a newborn who can't sit up), start a social group (dinner club, bookclub) with all the people you meet and feel a connection to, and of course, sit in the same pew every week at church.
    You can do it- Annie will help, who can resist a beautiful baby? XOXO

  5. I agree with Mrs. BeaKeeper. Babies are friend magnets! For many, many years most of my friends were women who had kids near the same age as mine. And if you volunteer to work in the nursery 1 or 2 times a month, you'll be amazed at how many people you meet.
