She lays limp in my arms, tired from a day of shots and x-rays and doctors. I stand to stretch my legs and she curls tight against me. Instinctively, without thought her body curls in on itself in an attempt to be closer to mine. Closer to the warmth, the heart, the source of nourishment. I help her come closer, wrapping both arms a little tighter so she feels secure. Because I am moving, and I want her to feel safe.
My Abba is moving. He is doing a new thing, opening my heart to new people and places and possibilities. He is moving my heart for people standing on the street corner and sitting in my mommy group; people fighting cancer and marriage-takers and finances; people just trying to live this life-thing. And I curl toward Him. Toward the warmth, the heart, the source of my nourishment. "The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want..." So says the most popular Psalm of all.
And He holds me. Sometimes He holds me looking out, like Annie in her baby carrier. Exploring this world He created. Taking in new colors, smells, sensations. My back against His chest, His arms still supporting me. And when I have taken in more than I can understand, when my senses are on overload, when I am just plain tired He brings me once again toward His chest. I curl in. His arms ever around me. He is my Shepherd, I shall not want...
"I sing a simple song of love to my Savior, to my Jesus.
I'm thankful for the things You have done.
My loving Savior, my precious Jesus.
My heart is glad You've called me Your own
There's no place I'd rather be
In Your arms of love....
Holding me still, holding me near in Your arms of love."
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